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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sisterhood of Secrets

Hey Everyone!

Have you ever noticed that, us, girls can’t seem to become close without sharing our deepest secrets? I just realized this myself, last night. I was watching “The World that They Live In” (I will summarize when I finish this drama) last night, and there was a scene where a couple of women were sitting together, and one of them had to go through a sort of "initiation" where she had to spill some of her secrets, to fit in. She then asked, if that is what women do to become close. They ALL replied, "yes". I found that quite amusing at the time, however now that I’m thinking about it again, I realize that it is true! Most of my closest girl friends know my deep dark secrets (maybe not all, but most!). It is so funny! Why do we have to share such details of our lives to become closer? To be honest though, I think I sort of understand. In order to understand a person, it is better to know more about that person than less. It is a way to feel like we know each other better if we share some of our secrets. If we don’t, then we seem like we are too almighty or proud or egotistical. I for one, love hearing about my friends’ lives and sharing my own worries with them. I think it is a way to bond. So, here’s a small secret of mine, that I will share with all of you. Let’s BOND! In fact, my name means “bond”. My parents chose my name because (hilarious!) they saw someone in a Bengali Drama with that name and really liked the girl’s character! I just realized (as I was typing that sentence), no wonder I like dramas so much! Regardless, there’s a lot of pressure with a name like that. I’m supposed to be the tie/bond that keeps the family together. Sometimes I feel like that is a burden, whereas other times I think it’s great! I feel a bit more special (attention seeker right?! =P). I feel that I should play this role with my friends as well sometimes. I’m the "event planner" as my boyfriends’ friends claim. I do not mind this title at all. I think it’s nice to be able to get everyone together. I do this with my boyfriends’ friends, my friends, and even my family (if relatives visiting or just going out together). I always feel that if I can be of help to others, then I’ll be needed, and that way we can all become closer in that way. If I can be the glue that ties everyone together, I feel really happy at such a thought. So, everyone, I end this posting by saying that I hope to create many more bonds with people in my present and future. I hope you will be one of them!

I’m off,

- B

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