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Saturday, April 24, 2010

I met Lee Jung Jin today...

... in my dreams! Sorry if I excited anyone, but sadly it was only a dream! It was quite a nice dream. I'll give a briefing of my dream.

So, I was sitting at a coffee shop downtown, drinking my tea and reading a book, while waiting for my friends to arrive. When all of a sudden, Lee Jung Jin arrived (wearing a cap and sunglasses; so cliched!). All the tables were full, and I had one chair at my table free. He asked me if he could join me or if I was waiting for anyone. I just said, it's fine if he sits there, as I'm waiting for my friends. We started talking just randomly, about the nice weather here, and just simple things about ourselves. He asked me for my name, and I told him it is too difficult to pronounce, so just call me B. I asked for his, and he replied "Jin". I thought, hmm, that's interesting. For a long time, I did not realize who he was. Then, suddenly he took off his sunglasses, and I was awestruck! I told him, how he resembled an actor that I know of. He was surprised to realize that I may recognize him. But, I let it go, and said, there's no way he'd be here! So, we just left the conversation at that, and continued talking about how odd he found it that I watch K-dramas. Then, I told him about my fascination with asian dramas, and how it all began. He found it quite amusing. He also tested me on how much Korean I know. It was quite a fun conversation. Then we talked about "9 End 2 Outs". I told him how much I loved "Lee Jung Jin's" character Tae Kyung in the drama. He wanted to hear more about it. So I told him. Then, I told him about my blog, and wrote down the URL on a napkin (haha!). Soon after our discussion of the drama, my friend called me, and I had to go. I asked "Jin" for a favour; to take his picture. He asked me why. I told him, that he resembles the actor so much, that it's a wasted opportunity for me if I don't. He allowed me to take the picture. Then, after preparing to leave, I smiled down at him for our goodbye, and I said "it was nice meeting you Lee Jung Jin shi". He looked up at me in surprise, and just said "you knew?". I said that it would be too incredible if he wasn't the actor, to have such a strong resemblance, however, his secret was safe with me *wink*. However, I told him to check out my blog, as that is where I'll be writing about my day. Then, we said our farewells, and just before closing the door behind me, I faintly saw his reaction; he was smiling like he did in the drama, when he was amused by something (for example, when Jun Mo arrived at the bar for the first time, and Nan Hee was acting shy). I smiled myself, and went to meet my friends, and told them all about my adventure. So, that's my tale of meeting Lee Jung Jin. Do I wish it were true? Of course! But, the dream was a sweet dream, that I'll cherish nonetheless! Hope you enjoyed that.

I'm off,

- B

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