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Friday, May 7, 2010


Hey Everyone!

I've now realized why he's my boyfriend! Lately I've been feeling pretty down and stressed because of the home situation. But, one conversation with him, and I feel like a heavy burden is off my chest! By the way, Starbuck's has really good Fraps! But, if you're on a diet like me, don't get one! Speaking of diets, my calorie diet is going pretty well! I think for me, the best thing is, is to just eat less if I want to lose weight. Honestly, I tried exercising, yet eating whatever I wanted, but that does not work! I guess everyone has their own body type, and mine is just terrible! I'm so jealous of those girls (and guys I guess) that can eat whatever they want, and still be thin! Wow! But, at the same time, the only thing that gets me by, is knowing that their metabolism is going to be totally screwed up in the future! They will be very unhealthy people. I'm glad I'm realizing that I need to be more healthy and eat healthier foods now, because later in life, it'll be even harder to keep up with food and exercise! Either ways, back to my main point, I'm a lot calmer today than I have been all week! This week has been total chaos, starting from telling my mom, to my boy friend telling his parents, then my mom telling my dad, wow! It's a mouthful! I look forward to the day when all the chaos is over, but in the meantime, I'm glad to know that my boyfriend will be there to help me, and I'm not all alone in this matter! Phew! Well, then, back to reality... or rather for once, my reality includes my drama Cinderella Man, rather than getting away from my drama world into my reality! That's qutie amusing! Who would have thought, that my life would be so dramatic!

I'm off,

- B

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