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Friday, January 13, 2012

Man of Honor

Hey Everyone!

It has been a little while since I last posted, considering this drama was not that long (well, 24 episodes). But regardless, I have been busy preparing for medical school and working. Otherwise, in my spare time, I finally got to finish this drama, called Man of Honor. It was the first drama in a while, that I really liked a lot. It was mainly about Yoon Jae In and her struggles in life after her father dies. She was sent to an orphanage at a young age because Seo Jae Myung (her father's best friend and company partner) did not want her to claim her 50% of company shares. When JI's father died in a car accident, the driver, Kim In Bae was saved instead of JI's father, and since JM saved him, IB sent JI to the orphanage so that he could receive some money to open up a noodle shop. In the meantime, JI's mother was in a coma after getting into an accident after hearing about JI's father's accident. IB's son (Kim Young Kwang) and JM's son (Seo In Woo) both knew JI in the past through their fathers. 17 years later, YK and IW had encounters with the now 26 year old JI. Initially, YK did not recognize JI, but IW did. IW tried to protect JI from his father by trying to persuade her to stay away from GeoDae (the company run by JM). In the meantime, JI assumed YK's father was her father because IB kept sending money and letters to her during her stay at the orphanage. This made things very complicated for IB's family, because his wife and family assumed he had an affair. Due to this misunderstanding, the family disliked JI a lot and she went through more hardships to gain acceptance in that family. However, the misunderstandings continued once IB died, leaving behind many unanswered questions. Only YK and his grandmother were kind to JI during her stay with them. It was around this time that IW was realizing who JI really was (since she was his private nurse). The rest of the drama revolved around JI, IW, and YK entering the GeoDae as employees, and trying to solve all the mysteries left behind about JI. The drama was mainly about inheritances and struggles in life. There was a minor supernatural aspect to the drama, but it was nothing too extreme. I really liked this drama because it was not over dramatic, and the plot was really good. Not only that, the wit and thought-provoking jokes (e.g. monkey one), were really intriguing. I gave this drama a 4.75 out of 5 stars because it was great, but the supernatural aspect was not really necessary in my opinion. Regardless, it was one of the better dramas I have seen in a while. I would definitely recommend it to everyone. Let me know your thoughts on it.

Some comments about the drama (SPOILERS):

- I feel bad for IW... no love from father (initially), always trying to impress him yet fears him as well...
- I feel bad for In Cheol, since he got too greedy instead of appreciating his love
- many characters really had bad anger management!
- Funny scenes: when all 3 found each other at the interview, two running around and he is singing karaoke, first breakfast at IW's, his debt collector version
- IW would have been a great Domioji from HYD and PMY would have been a great female lead
- Elevator scene was so cute!
- First drama in a while that kept me at the edge of my seat for more... could not wait for the next day to watch the next ep...
- All the idioms and witty comments were interesting... plus lie joke
- Cried: when she had to leave, when begging for bb back, when he built the tent, return of the land deed, when mom and daughter meet, when he saw her kissing IW, when the culprit found, when grandma was lost, wiping JI's tears, when forgave JM

That's it for now.

I'm off,

- B

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