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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Romance Town

Hey Everyone!

So, I have just finished another drama. It was called Romance Town. I had started it a while ago, but decided to wait until it was complete. The drama revolved around the relationship between No Soon Geum and Kang Gun Woo. SG met GW many years before reuniting, when he was really chubby and had very little confidence. He was then sent to the US to study, while SG became their maid. Meanwhile, the new wife (GW's new step-mother) hired SG by firing their old maid (like a grandmother to GW). When GW returned, the two had many arguments over the issue, but later fall for each other. SG always liked GW because of the letters they sent to each other (GW thought to the old maid). In the mean time, the maids on the street frequently met up for Go-stop and lottery nights. It so happened that SG bought one for herself the one time they won the big ($10 billion) prize. However, by mistake she thought she won the whole amount. GW also found out about the money, but SG always feared he would only like her for her money if he found out, so she always lied to him about it. Later, all the maids have a great argument over who gets how much and how to divide up the money. GW's father also did not approve of GW and SG's relationship, and drove them apart for 2 years (GW went to the US again to make money). Finally, after all the money issues were resolved, SG and GW were together again after he returned 2 years later. In the end, many relationships were mended, such as GW's father and his step-mother. Overall, it was a cute drama, with laughter and sadness. I liked it. I would give this drama a 4.5 out of 5 stars only because the ending could have been a bit better. However, definitely recommended for a light hearted drama. That's it for now.

I'm off,

- B

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