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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

J-Movie: Kanojo to no Tadashii Asobikata

Hey Everyone!

So, today, during my study break, I watched a cute little (very short!) movie called Kanojo to no Tadashii Asobikata. Not sure what it stands for, but here's the plot:

It's about a boy and a girl playing a game from childhood, where the girl is the 'princess' and the boy is the 'servant'. It's pretty clear that the girl likes the guy later in life, but he does not seem to get the hints! He just plays along with his role. Basically the rules are that when they are in school, they cannot act like they know eachother, but outside of school, they play their respective roles. If anyone finds out, then they have to stop playing. It continues till about highschool, when he realizes that he cannot force himself to go to Tokyo (she's really smart, whereas he is clueless about his future). One boy finds out about them, and confront the guy, and so they decide to stop the game. The girl however, does not want to, and claims that they need to wait for 3 people to find out before they stop. But, he says he does not want to continue in this stage of life. Finally in the end, it turns out that there was another girl that did find out, and that is probaby why she said "3 people". So, basically, they meet up once again and just hang out.

The movie has been licensed, but you can watch it at It's quite short and sweet, and even won an award. But, I would have preferred a better ending, with some sort of love revelation, where they kiss or something! That was a bit disappointing, but it was cute and worth it if you have an hour to spare. I was bored enough, and actually had been waiting to watch this movie for quite a while now. A bit disappointed, but oh well.

I give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

I'm off,

- B

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